Welcome to our website! We are a coalition of citizens who share the goal of reelecting the four incumbent Lyon Township Board members Doug Schnell, Susie Grier, Lenette Tomak, and Eric Carlson as well as Julie Tatro, the former Interim Township Supervisor. Their work has raised the level of professionalism, dedication, and success unmatched by any previous Lyon Township Board.
Together, they have demonstrated fiscal responsibility while improving public services such as garbage pick-up and park improvements. They have cleaned up messes left from previous administrations and deserve our appreciation and support. We can’t go back to the politics of name calling, misinformation, and the good old boy network.
This site provides you insight into the experience and accomplishments of each of our candidates. When you take time to review their biographies and achievements we are certain you will join us in supporting Julie Tatro, Doug Schnell, Susie Grier, Lenette Tomak, Eric Carlson, and they have earned our vote.